Responsive Website Design

Promote your lodge online

Undoubtedly, the internet has taken over as the main source of news and information for many, including your members, visitors, and potential new members. Freemasonry is no longer shrouded in secrecy, and your website is the visible face of your lodge.

Connect with other Freemasons

Visitors are the lifeblood of most lodges, and ensuring your fellow freemasons have all the information they need before they visit is essential. With so many lodges meeting on the same night, ensuring your meeting schedule is readily available is important for every lodge.

Mobile Responsive Website

In today's digital age, having a mobile responsive website is crucial for businesses. With the growing number of smartphone users, a mobile-friendly design ensures that your website functions and looks great on any device, enhancing user experience. 

Share your lodge history

The long and illustrious history of many lodges is of interest to many Freemasons, and providing website visitors with a comprehensive history of your lodge will not only give the reader interesting content but will help preserve your lodge archive online.

Mobile First Website

A responsive website improves your search engine rankings, as Google prioritises mobile-friendly sites. By optimising your website for mobile, you can reach a wider audience and increase engagement, ultimately driving more traffic and conversions to your business. At Squarework, we understand the importance of a mobile-responsive website in maximising your online presence and helping you stay relevant.

The quality of the work provided by squarework is some of the best I have ever seen for an event within a freemasons lodge. 

RWM, Ayrshire Lodge

Social Media Management

Connect and communciate across social media
